Training Courses

Triple 0 Solutions offers a range of courses designed for industry to improve safety and production workforce capabilities.

Our training courses are informative, engaging and practical, where possible we will tailor the content and to meet your specific workplace needs. Our priority is to equip participants with the knowledge and skills that will protect life on the job and create safer workplaces.

Please click on the course list below for further information on each course or download our course flyer.

Accredited Safety Training

Safe working in confined spaces
Breathing apparatus
Gas test atmospheres
Working at heights
Chief fire warden
Fire Warden
First attack firefighting
Dust hazards
CPR (only)
Provide first aid (includes CPR)
Low voltage rescue & resuscitation
Prevent injury

Specialised (non-accredited) training

Chemical awareness

Dust hazards

Leadership and Management Accredited Training

Leadership and Management Accredited Training

Mining RII training qualifications

Mining RII training qualifications